As you may already know, I am a final year student in PR & Communication and I am therefore currently writing my dissertation.
My dissertation question is : Self-Promotion in the Music Industry : a PR tactic ?
I am currently conducting some primary research and put two surveys online, one aiming to the general music consumers (in other words, almost everybody !) and the other one aiming to music artists and/or their manager.
If by any chance you had 2-3 minutes to offer me to answer these few questions, I would very much appreciate it !
To take the general public survey, click here (English version) or here (French version)
To take the music artists survey, click here (English version) or here (French version)
Also, if you are a musician (signed or unsigned, I am interested in both perspectives) or a professional from the music industry (record labels, music promotion professionals), I am looking for people to interview to ask a few more questions than in the survey or for people to use as case studies. So if by any chance you are available for a few minutes and are interested, please do not hesitate to contact me by clicking on "email me" in the right menu of this page !
And if you know people that would be interested, please share this post with them !
Thank you in advance for you time and your contribution :)
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